Tag Archives: instalo

Q&A: ¿si instalo ableton 8 y descargo la licencia puedo volver a descargar nuevamente la licencia?

7 Oct

Question by solo fran: ¿si instalo ableton 8 y descargo la licencia puedo volver a descargar nuevamente la licencia?
necesito saber si cuando descargo e instalo ableton live 8 descargo la licencia tengo 30 dias de licencia puedo volver a utilizarlo 30 dias mas descargando otra licencia????

Best answer:

Answer by dilealdilerdeadolar
Instala este ya viene “liberado” procura comprar el software cuando te reditue ganancias su uso.

Live 8 micro

Pesa poco por que viene sin librerias ni tutoriales, listo para usarse.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Make music with Ableton Live

Ableton Live is about making music. When you’re writing and composing, Live is quick and responsive. When you want to record and develop your ideas, Live has the depth and toolset for intricate production. It’s got the features to take your DJ skills to the next level and it’s stable and flexible on stage, whether you’re playing in front of 10 or 10000 people. However and wherever you make music, whatever music you make, Live will inspire you.